In the Sword of Lyric books, the Verses were a vital source of truth, and helped various characters battle the mind poison of Rhusicans or the plots of a certain corrupt councilmember. The clans had a culture built on memorization and daily recitation of sections of the Verses.
On this side of the portal, we have the luxury of the printed word. However, I still find it valuable to commit Scripture to memory. Here are some tips that have helped me.
1. Pray. Ask for guidance to a verse that will be especially valuable to you in your current life situation. Also ask for the dedication and persistence needed.
2. Select a complete section or chapter instead of random individual verses with no context. Psalms are great choices. Other chapter ideas: John 1, Romans 8, Romans 12, I Corinthians 13, Philippians 4, Ephesians 1.
3. Combine a variety of learning approaches. Listen to an audio version of the chapter. Read the chapter out loud. Write it out long hand. Analyze and study the section, reading background from study guides and commentaries. Write a melody for the words. Create gestures or movements to help you remember key transitions. Recite the verse to a rhythm. Visualize pictures or images for certain words or phrases. Meditate in depth on a small section, emphasizing each word slowly and pondering applications.
4. Invite a friend to be a memorizing partner. Recite the verse with your partner, alternating one word at a time. Meet with your partner once a week to share as much of the section as you've learned.
5. Keep the Word alive in your thoughts. Review the verse when you wake up in the morning, in the shower, while brushing your teeth. Anytime you have to wait (on hold for a phone call, in line somewhere, in traffic) us the opportunity to practice a few verses). Meditate on the chapter as you're falling asleep at night.
"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God." --Colossians 3:16