I love computers and the convenience of the cyberworld. But sometimes glitches arise.
I aim to send out my monthly Book Buddy ezine on the 15th of each month, but I often hear from folks who didn't receive it. Here are some things to check.
1. Is your current email on my Book Buddy list? If you change emails, the ezine will be bounced when it is sent and my subscription service will automatically stop sending to you.
Easy fix: sign up on the front page of my website with your new email. You'll get an email asking you to verify and when you click that, you're good to go!
2. Did you complete the sign-up? When you sign up, you receive an email that says, "click here to verify." If you don't click on the link as that email requests, you are left in the "started-to-sign-up-but-didn't-finish" limbo and don't get the mailings.
3. Be sure I'm "whitelisted." Your computer might not know I'm a friend. My ezine comes out from the address
so be sure to add that in your address book, so that your Internet Service Provider recognizes my ezine as "friend."
4. Check your "junk mail" or "spam" folder. Although I'm careful that my content doesn't contain red flags, any group mailing is in danger of being routed directly into a folder of junk mail. My ezine feels sad when its classified as junk, but it understands. You may need to reset how tightly you are filtering, or at least peek into your junk folder around the 15th of the month in case my ezine is hiding there. I recently learned that my email program has one filtering system and my ISP has another, which added up to too much screening, and some mail hasn't reached me.
I hope these tips help! And I will never share my email list with others. Thank you for being a Book Buddy.