Sunday, April 23, 2006

Having a Mary Heart . . .

...In a Martha World.

While I was at Mount Hermon Writer's Conference, I had the joy of meeting Joanna Weaver, author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World.

My women's small group had just begun using this book for our weekly Bible study, and I recommend it to EVERYONE. In many ways, it shares the themes of The Secret Life of Becky Miller, but from a non-fiction direction.

I feel especially blessed to be studying Joanna's book at this time in my life. As I prepare for my first book to launch, and have three others in the pipeline, I've never been more tempted to be a "Martha" and become "worried and upset by many things." Anxiety threatens to steal my joy. Fear tempts me to doubt God's sufficiency.

As I prayed about how overwhelmed I'm feeling, I realized I'm like a child receiving a big, shiny, new bicycle. It's everything I've ever longed for. I'm thrilled. But it's bigger than I realized and doesn't have training wheels. How comforting that I can ask my Father to hold the bike for me as He teaches me how to ride.

Whatever new challenges you face this week, I pray you feel the secure hands of our God holding your handlebars and guiding you, and that you enjoy the excitement of wind in your face.

Sharon Hinck

1 comment:

Mary DeMuth said...

Great post, Sharon. I feel like I'm in your same boat. I'm worried and bothered. And yet, my name is MARY! Sheesh! You'd think I'd get that right!