Today I'm interrupting my Around the World Virtual Book Tour (for
Renovating Becky Miller) and am delighted to share a recent interview with Jeff Gerke about his website,
WhereTheMapEnds, and his thoughts about the fantasy genre for Christian authors. After you read Jeff's thoughts, feel free to explore other CSFF Blog Tour sites listed in the far right column. You can also scroll down to my earlier post to see the places I've been visiting all month on my current book tour.
Sharon: Hi, Jeff!
Welcome to my blog.
I've told many people about your heroic work in championing
The Restorer. You talked me into telling you about it, when I was starting to feel that fantasy was considered an ugly stepchild in the Christian publishing family. I know you've written and edited other genres, but why do you have a special soft spot for fantasy, and why do you believe it can be a particularly powerful way to tell our stories of faith?
Jeff: First, I should say that I'm not sure you were wrong that fantasy is sometimes considered the ugly stepchild in Christian publishing. All the speculative genres, really, might fall into that category. I've recently done a series on this very topic in my Fiction Writing Tip of the Week column (see Tips 16-18 ) Tip #18 mentions even mentions you and The Restorer.Sharon: Cool! Let me interrupt to say that I've been following your tips as you've posted them and they are awesome. I had the blessing of getting editorial input from you on the Restorer, and I think it's wonderful that you are making your insights available to EVERYONE on your site,
WhereTheMapEnds.Now, on with your answers:
Jeff: As I said in the interview on CSFF Blog Tour ,I think epic fantasy may be the perfect storytelling vehicle for dialoguing about Christianity in fiction.In fantasy you're talking about the battle between Good and Evil, so you're already in the theologian's backyard. In fantasy you often have supernatural beings or events imposing themselves into the natural world. Funny, that kind of sounds like Christianity, too.For whatever reason, fantasy just feels like the ideal lab bench for exploring ultimate issues like truth, love, loyalty, corruption, and heroism. Fantasy feels like a parable (another staple of Christian thought), a means of removing a topic out of the "real" world to isolate it and examine it in the light.Sharon: Exactly! Fantasy isn't about what is "unreal" so much as looking at reality and truth from different angles or in unusual settings - to get even deeper insights.
You helped my "I can die happy when this story is told" book go to print, but I know you've also got a very special writing project in the works. Tell us about it.
Jeff: The book of my heart, my magnum opus, is an epic fantasy geared fornon-Christians. My theory is that virtually all people would respond to the intrinsic qualities of Christianity if only it could be stripped of its trigger words and stained glass language. The goal of this novel--beyond just telling a ripping good tale--is to show Christianity in its purest form.Sharon: You just said something key. You want your story to convey the truth of God's love and plan BUT you are also telling a "ripping good tale." Can you give us a few examples of favorite recent CSFF books that balance this well? Strong themes without being didactic? And don't forget to mention the books you midwifed at Strang. :-)
Jeff: I've had the great blessing of being able to bring some fabulous Christianspeculative fiction to publication--when I was part of the launch of Realmsat Strang Communications and then over the fiction line at NavPress.Don't make me choose between my children, now. All four novels we launchedRealms with were fantastic in their own right. I do think one in particulardid a good job of specifically what you're asking about: strong Christianthemes without being didactic. The other three would be ones I would mentionin place of this one if the question had been different, but here goes.I think "The Personifid Project" by R. E. Bartlett got closest to whatyou're describing. This wonderful SF thriller is set in a future in whichtechnology has reached the point where you can transfer your consciousnessto an artificial body (a personifid) and thus live forever.Just by that premise you're automatically grappling with issues of life,eternity, playing God, free will, fear of death, and more--all territory inwhich the Christian novelist is quite at home. Without having to hit anyoneover the head with Christianity, the issues are there, organic to the story.The author's sequel, The Personifid Invsion, brings in spiritual warfare andis also quite cool. A novel I acquired at NavPress is another good example. Tosca Lee'sfantastic "Demon: A Memoir" is the tale of a book editor who is accosted bya demon in human form. The demon proceeds to lead the editor on afascinating quest through just about every theological topic you could thinkof--but through the eyes of a not-quite-trustworthy narrator.If the reader accepts the premise--Dinner with a Perfect Demon, you mightsay--then for 250 pages she's going to be grappling with spiritual issues.And it's all quite natural and built into the story.At the risk of sounding like I'm trying to get in good with the teacher, I'dhave to say that your Restorer trilogy, Sharon, is another good example ofthis. Without any overt discussion about Christianity, you lead us on a taleof high adventure all with biblical underpinnings and that discussion ofGood and Evil that comes as part of the package when you write fantasy.I'd like to think that my own epic fantasy, mentioned above, will do this aswell.Sharon: Thanks for steering us to some of your favorite non-didactic spec fiction, and thanks for the kind words about The Restorer. :-) You also have a comprehensive list of Christian-authored spec fiction of all categories at Where the Map Ends. When you launched your site, I was amazed at how many terrific books have been published in this genre. Some of the titles take a little more effort to find -- they may not be featured front and center in your local Christian bookstore. But your links will guide readers to where they can be ordered online. This is of my favorite pages on WhereTheMapEnds!
Jeff, you've compiled amazing interviews with top CBA authors, tips for writers, information for readers searching for more spec-fic, as well as the resources of your editorial services, and some other elements that are just plain fun. What is coming up for future development on your site? What are your dreams for the site? What can visitors watch for?
Jeff: I have three goals for WhereTheMapEnds. First, I'd like it to be one of thefirst sites people mention when the topic of Christian speculative fictioncomes up. I'd like them to say, "Oh, well, if you like Christian fantasy,you've GOT to get over to to see what's out there and toread the interviews."Second, I want it to continue becoming known as a place where aspiringnovelists, especially those aspiring to write Christian speculative fiction,come to learn their craft and find tools to help them do the thing they mostlove to do. I love teaching people about this crazy craft and every teachercraves interested pupils.Between the tips on fiction writing, the articles about what goes on insideChristian publishing companies, my various products and links to helpnovelists better create amazing speculative fiction, and the editorialservices I offer, I think I've got something for every Christian speculativenovelist. I'm also toying with the idea of doing a collaborate story projecton the site, but haven't figured out how (or if) to do that yet.Third, my ultimate goal is to become an independent publisher of originalChristian speculative novels. On the site there is a link to Marcher LordPress ( This ismy dream.So much wonderful Christian speculative fiction does not get publishedbecause of the factors I cover in Tips 16-18 on the site. That's a shame. Onthe whole, the Christian fiction publishing industry is set up to service acertain demographic, one that does not typically like speculative fiction.For years I worked within the system to expand the boundaries of whatfiction we could publish. Now I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we need tofind a new way altogether.Marcher Lord Press would be a small, POD (print-on-demand) publishingcompany that would sell original Christian speculative novels directly tothe consumer. That's another reason I'd like WhereTheMapEnds to becomepopular--because when I have original novels to sell, fans ofWhereTheMapEnds will be the ideal audience.Most marketing done by Christian publishers (or anyone, for that matter)involves finding where the target audience is and letting them know about aproduct they might like. What if I could do that differently? What ifWhereTheMapEnds was where the target audience already was and I could justlet them know about the new novels they'd like? Instead of going out to findthem, they've found me.While that's my long-term goal, it's not my only goal. Marcher Lord Pressmay never happen, and that's okay. My other two goals will remain in effect.Marcher Lord Press is a dream of mine, one that would allow me to publishthose novelists who for years I've had to reject. It would also allow me tohave a place to publish my own epic fantasy, since I'm pretty sure neitherChristian nor secular publishers would like it--but fans of Christianspeculative fiction would love it (I hope!).But whether that day comes or not, I'm loving what we're doing atWhereTheMapEnds.JeffSharon: Thanks so much, Jeff!
I have great news, blog-readers. Jeff is offering an awesome prize. I’ll draw a name from everyone who posts a comment to this blog entry, and the winner will receive a FREE GIFT of Jeff’s “Character Creation for the Plot-First Novelist” system (a $28 value). So chime in with our thoughts, and tell your friends!
And be sure to scroll down to see my itinerary as I continue my virtual book-tour around the world all month for RENOVATING BECKY MILLER.
Blessings, Sharon