“This award is for those bloggers who are nice people; good blog friends and those who inspire good feelings and inspiration. Also for those who are a positive influence on our blogging world. Once you’ve been awarded please pass it on to 7 others who you feel are deserving of this award.”
Since I'm from Minnesota, I know a lot of NICE people. We even have a code of "Minnesota Nice" that we live by.
So first, a fellow Minnesotan, Jill Nelson.
Next, a dear gal that always lifts my spirits, Jill Hart.
My end-cap mate (we are again featured on the same end-cap for our upcoming February releases with Bethany House) Julie Carobini.
The gal I get to room with at ACFW in a few weeks, Amy Wallace.
The Velveteen Mommy, Jenn Doucette.
Shannon McNear - who has encouraged me in more ways than she knows.
And rounding things out with another Minnesotan who exemplifies kindness and thoughtfulness, Chawna Schroeder.
I'm blessed to know so many nice people!
Blessings and gratitude!
Sharon Hinck
The Secret Life of Becky Miller (Bethany House, June, 2006)
Renovating Becky Miller (Bethany House, February, 2007)
The Restorer (NavPress, May 2007)
The Restorer's Son (NavPress, September 2007)
Aww, thanks Sharon. You're nice too!
You def. deserve it! Congrats!
Thanks so much, roomie! See you in less than 2 weeks!
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