Saturday, February 09, 2008


I enjoy irony.

I've been having some trouble sleeping (middle-of-the-night insomnia) recently. So last night I set up my iPod on the station, cued to "Sleep Sound in Jesus" (a wonderful album by Michael Card) and at a gentle volume, ready to go if I woke up and needed some soothing music to help me back to sleep.

True to form, I woke up about 2:30, reached over to tap "play"...

and BLASTED my hubby and me a foot off the mattress.

Something had gotten messed up with the volume control, and believe me, no lullaby is soothing at full volume.

Then, of course, I couldn't find the button to turn it off or even down, and had to turn on the light to finally get it shut off, leaving me thoroughly awake.

Maybe I need to return to low-tech solutions like counting sheep.


Shane Deal said...

I'm sorry.

And, I'm sorry, but reading how you all jumped a foot off the mattress had me laughing and remembering similar rude awakenings. It's a laugh of relation.

Hope you can get some sleep soon. My sleeping schedule osculates all the time and I have trouble sleeping at night sometimes.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow, that would be painful. :D

everlastingscribe said...

Aww, no lullabies are not lulling and soothing at full volume. I'm sorry for your 'rude' awakening but your telling it gave me a chuckle, because I've done that before too.

I use this verse when I wake from nightmares (which I have had quite frequently this past week) I hope it will bring you some comfort too when you wake in the night as well.

Psalm 127:1-3

In vain you rise early
and stay up late,
toiling for food to eat—
for he grants sleep to those he loves.

Anonymous said...

*nearly spews breakfast* LOL! I'm sorry, Sharon ... that was really funny :P

I hope you get some sleep, soon *hugs*

Julie Carobini said...

Seriously funny Sharon :))

And I can almost hear what happened because I sang that song to my kids all.the.time. Even now my Teen Son really will (very occasionally) say "Hey mom, sing that sleep song." I have to do it the traditional way which is to actually switch off the light on the last line--LOL. (For those who don't know it, the line is"...and I'll turn out the light."