Saturday, February 21, 2004

Tara's Pepper Soup

Tara’s Pepper Soup:
(Susan’s best guess)

Sauté favorite vegetables (ex: leeks, onion, carrots, celery, bell peppers, etc.) finely chopped, in butter.
Add 2 cups chicken broth
Stir in 2 cups cream of potato soup
Season with coarsely cracked black pepper corns
Left-over caradoc – chopped into small pieces (optional)
Splash of Worcestershire
Simmer and serve with bread

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

We'd love to make this! Not sure where to get caradoc though. We will let you know when we find the portal. :-). Happy New Years Eve! Can you tell we are ringing out the old and in the new with the Restorer?