Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Advent and Christmas Cyber-visits

During December, friends have continued to invite me to visit with them at their blogs. Today, you can "listen in" on a chat at A Christian Writer's World.

And if you post a comment, you might win a free autographed copy of The Restorer's Son! So please pour a cup of tea and pop on by for a visit.

And check back here in the coming days, because another fun interview will be announced soon.


Sharon Hinck


Shane Deal said...

Good interview, made me laugh about the house being full of creative types... I can so relate to that. Our house is mostly creative types as well. Look forward to the next interview.

Sharon Hinck said...

Thanks, Shane!
By the way, I was inspired by your post at your website about why you write - and wanting to make an impact. Great thoughts!