Sunday, July 08, 2007

Prayer Request

Yesterday was another super day. Wonderful conversations, lots to learn.
I started feeling head-achey (pretty normal with the travel and lack of sleep)...but last night got a BAD sore throat.
Please pray for healing. I have almost two weeks of non-stop converstaions, speaking evenets, and interviews ahead.
It would be lovely to manage more than a painful croak. :-)

Today booths begin going up at the conference center, and I'll be heading over there to pick up my badge and get the lay of the land for all of Monday's and Tuesday's events.

I'll be moving to a different hotel, and won't have my roommate's computer to borrow anymore, so it might be awhile until I can post again.

THANK YOU so much to all who are praying.


Unknown said...

I'll definitely be praying for you! Hope you have a good trip. I will be praying for you all the whole time. Oh! I'm in the process of getting my mom to read The Restorer. Anyways! Have a great trip!

Valerie Comer said...

Our loving heavenly Father, I hold Sharon up to you for healing. You have called her for this task--provided her these opportunities--and I pray that you will give her the strength and HEALTH and sleep to meet these opportunities.

In our earthly *wisdom* it doesn't make sense for you to allow this bug into her system right now, just when she is poised to do *Great Things for God*. But you know that, you know what is best, what will mold her the best, what will reach people the best. All we can do is trust you and believe you have her best at heart.

But if it be your will, we plead for healing. Your will be done! In Jesus' name, amen.

Anonymous said...


I'll be praying for you, Sharon, that you feel better so you can do this task that God has called for you. Drink lots of water and juice, take the necessary meds, and try to get some sleep. I'll be seeing you on Saturday.

Oh, and I get to come for more than just the Richmond signing! I'll be coming to the Ellicot City one that same evening, then the Alexandria one on Sunday.

God Bless!

Merrie Destefano said...

It's really helps to know specifics, so thanks for letting us know what you need.


Prayers for healing, for strength and for God's annointing as you venture forth today--

many hugs,

Roheryn said...

Hope you feel better soon!
Good luck!

and I LOVED 'The Restorer'!

WayneThomasBatson said...

I'm in Atlanta too! YAY. So sorry to hear about the sore throat. The enemy's been busy. I will be praying for you, and CAN'T WAIT to meet you all tomorrow. I have a feeling we're all going to need to be looking to the Lord in new ways this trip.

Lyn said...

Gargle with salt! :-) Or a bit of hydrogen peroxide (sp?) mixed with water. Or crush up two aspirin and gargle with that - then swallow (not the salt or peroxide! lol) Wish you well on the tour. Lyn from Bloggin' Outloud - I'll be in the Georgia Dome next month!

Becca Johnson said...

I'll be praying for you, Sharon! Get well soon and have fun with your awesome new sword! ;)

Becca Johnson

Anonymous said...

Sharon, those swords look sweet! I can't wait to see them :)

And I can't wait to meet you this weekend! It turns out I'll be coming to Richmond and Ellicott City on Saturday, then Alexandria on Sunday :D

Rel said...

Shazza - hang in there, my friend! Was great to see some pics of you on Amy Wallace's blog.
