My husband sometimes rolls his eyes when I greet my "friends" in the local bookstore.
"Oh, look! There's Patti. They have two of her. Oh, and there's Susie. I got an email from her yesterday."
Hubby looks around, confused, until he realizes I'm talking about the books of my friends - which I greet with great enthusiasm when I see them on store shelves.
At a big chain store along the Fantasy Fiction Tour, we spotted a table of new releases up front. "Oh, look! Robin is here with the big boys!" Yep, Robin's new book was NOT in the "Christian fiction" or "Religion" section, but alongside other general market (ABA) book releases by the front of the store. Robin and I both had our debut ICRS book signings last year and enjoyed being the "new kids on the block" and part of the "Bethany House class of 2006." I was thrilled to see him (okay, his BOOK - although I also saw him in person at ICRS....the kind man came to my Restorer book signing, even though I missed his signing because of an interview).
I loved Relentless for all the same reasons I liked X-men and Heroes. I can't wait to read Fearless. It will be my treat to myself after turning in copy edits on one book and revisions on another.
The CSFF Blog Tour is featuring Robin this month, so be sure to check out the many reviews and interviews!
Congratulations to a member of the graduating class of 2006! Thanks for the personal background info on Robin. And I know what you mean. When I see a friend's book or magazine in the bookstore, I feel an instant connection with the author (or editor).
ROFL!! That's awesome that you "greet your friends" in bookstores! I'll have to remember that - it sounds like fun :D
Same way I feel! When I saw Dragonfire shelved in the New section at Borders, I jumped up in excitement. I love to see Christian fantasy/scifi books not just get stored up in the shelves in the back, but be put on display, it makes the books seem special. X-men and Heroes are definitely awesome and its no wonder why I love the novel so far even though I have never read Relentless.
I'm kinda the same in a bookstore, though I don't know the authors as personally as you do. Hubby just knows he has to slow down while I see who all I recognize!
And I sold *you* to my local bookstore (very small town, very small store) last week. She ordered one each of all your books and even pre-ordered a couple of *Restorer's Son* as I promised I'd buy one from her when they come in!
Val, you sweetie!
Thank you so much!
I've been known to tell customers strolling by about authors I love...and whenever I'm in a store for an event, I end up sharing with the staff about some of the books on their shelves and how COOL the authors are. :-)
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